Lynne Raven Fahey BNI Ambassador

Lynne Raven Fahey BNI Ambassador

BNI North Bay Nipissing Chapter – Meet the Members 2021

Welcome, Lynne Raven Fahey, BNI Ambassador

This video series is all about meeting our local businesses at our BNI North Bay Nipissing Chapter as well as introducing you to the leadership and the visionaries that have helped the growth of our local chapter.

If you would like to learn how you can become part of the largest referral networking organization in the world please connect with us below.

Our team is currently interviewing for the following Top 10
most EXCLUSIVE seats in our chapter:

✅ Accountant/Bookkeeper
✅ Medical Practitioners
✅ Window Cleaner
✅ Event Planner
✅ Sandblaster
✅ Life/Business Consultant
✅ Weeping Tiles/Foundation Repair
✅ Building Supplier
✅ Real Estate / Family Lawyer
✅ Veterinarian
✅ Groomer

Thank You, Lynne Raven Fahey, for your continued support of our BNI North Bay Nipissing Chapter.

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